Three Ingredients That Unclog Arteries And Destroy Fats In The Blood

Three Ingredients That Unclog Arteries And Destroy Fats In The Blood
By regularly consuming these ingredients you will be able to unclog your arteries and get rid of fats in the blood. In this article we are about to present beverage made of garlic, lemon and ginger. These three ingredients are healthy and if you consume them combined you can only gain numerous health benefits for your whole organism.

The benefits of this elixir are great. It helps in the treatment and prevention of clogged arteries, regulates the increased level of fat in the blood, helps prevent and treat colds and infections, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the liver, destroys free radicals in the body that cause serious diseases and many other diseases related to heart and circulation.

Ingredients needed:

- 4 clove of garlic

- 4 lemons

- Ginger root (3 to 4 cm)

- 2 liters of clean water

Method of preparation:

Wash the lemons and cut them into pieces together with their rind. If lemons are not organic then you should put them in water with vinegar and let them soak a while, then chop them. Peel the garlic and place them in a blender together with the lemons and ginger. Mix everything well until you get homogeneous mixture. Put the resulting mixture in a pot and add two liters of water. Put the pot on fire to boil. When the liquid begins to boil, remove it and allow it to cool. Strain the liquid through droppers and collect it in glass bottles.

Consume 2 dl of this healing beverage, two hours before meals, on an empty stomach on a daily basis. Store the beverage in the refrigerator. Remember to shake the bottle before consuming in order for the lemon and garlic to mix with the liquid. The combination of lemon, water and ginger neutralizes the smell of garlic. If the taste does not suit you, you can add a little bit of honey.

The whole treatment lasts three weeks. During this time you need to consume one glass of the beverage on a daily basis. After three weeks, make a one week break. You can repeat the whole treatment again afterwards. After three weeks of using this drink you will feel energized, fresh, your body will be regenerated, rejuvenated and you will have improved circulation.

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