Recipe That Heals Headaches, Legs Swelling And Stabilizes Blood Pressure In Just Few Minutes

Recipe That Heals Headaches, Legs Swelling And Stabilizes Blood Pressure In Just Few Minutes
If you are suffering from a severe headache, try this simple method and be sure that you will feel better immediately.

This ordinary salty compress, not only will heal your headaches, but it will also normalize your blood pressure, and it will eliminate the legs swelling in a very short time. So if you have severe, excruciating headache prepare this saline solution.

Here is the recipe for this magnificent remedy:

First of all, prepare the compress. You will need a gauze or thin cotton cloth. Fold the cloth into eight layers, so that the deck width matches the height of your forehead, and the length matches your head.

Afterwards, warm 250 ml of water up to 60-70 C and in it dissolve two straight teaspoons of salt. You will receive an 8% salt solution.

Using hot water wash your forehead, ears and back of your head.

Soak the compress in the saline solution, then gently squeeze it and shake it in order to cool it a little. As soon as the compress is cooled wrap your head, ears and neck with it.

In order to fix your compress, you can wrap your head with a scarf. Now all you need to do is lie down. After only a few minutes you will feel relief, but do not rush with the removal of the coverings. You need to lay down for another twenty minutes.

After you have removed the coatings, wash your forehead, ears and nape with warm water.

How does it work?

This can confuse you. Salt intake causes swelling and high blood pressure, but salted compress over the skin has the opposite effect; through the skin it stimulates the release of liquid from the body, and acts as a diuretic.

Similarly, you can get rid of legs swelling.

Leg swelling and salt solution

In order to prevent legs swelling, apply the salt solution in the following way:

Dissolve 0.5 kg of salt in 5 liters of cold water. Take a soft towel, soak it in this solution, gently squeeze out the liquid and put the towel on the lumbar back (cross). Leave it to stay for about 20 minutes.

Repeat this procedure every night before you go to bed, for 10 days. The swelling will dwindle due to the increased urination, which begins soon after the first treatment.

You can apply the compress in another way: dip a cloth in warm salt solution, wring it out and wrap your swollen legs with it. Cover your feet with a warm blanket and remain like that for about 20 minutes. This amazing recipe really helps and you should try it!

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