Using this syrup you will reduce your waist and you get rid of excess water from the body. The main ingredients of this elixir for losing excess pounds are horseradish, foods rich in vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B1 and B6, iron, vitamin B2, magnesium and phosphorus.
Horseradish accelerates metabolism, reduces fatigue and stimulates development of good bacteria in the intestines.
In addition we will present the recipe for preparing a syrup against belly fat.
Ingredients needed:
- Juice of 4 lemons
- 3 teaspoons of honey
- 125 grams of fresh horseradish (हॉर्सरैडिश)
- 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
- 2 cm long ginger root
Method of preparation:
Put the ginger and horseradish in a blender and mix them well. Add the lemon juice afterwards and mix again. After that, add the honey and cinnamon and mix until you het homogeneous mixture. Transfer the resulting syrup in a glass jar.
Way of consuming:
Take 2 teaspoons of the syrup two times a day, before a meal or before an exercising. Consume it for 3 days straight before you make a break for several days.