Warm Water with Lemon,Turmeric and Coconut Oil Powerful Morning Combination


While I was growing up, my mother was always giving warm milk with turmeric when I was sick. The mild warmth of the turmeric was heating my throat and strengthening my body. Many times I wanted to drink this throughout all the winter. As we all know the benefits of the turmeric I was wondering why don’t we drink turmeric every day?

Do you know the benefits of the turmeric? Let me remind you. The turmeric is a yellowy-orange spice from India, a member of the ginger family. In Ayurveda it is known as a powerful antioxidant fighting against cancer free radicals, also an antiseptic and has a natural anti-inflammatory effect.

Turmeric is unavoidable in the Indian cuisine, but if you don’t eat Indian food every day, how to entail this marvelous spice in your diet? It’s very simple! Spice up your warm water with lemon. For an additional flavor add a pinch of cinnamon. The cinnamon has anti inflammatory properties and can stabilize the sugar level in your blood (which means you will eat less and feel satisfied longer).


• 1 glass of warm (not hot) water; or you can use milk by choice: almond, soy or cow

• ¼ of teaspoon turmeric

• Juice of half of lemon

• Pinch of cinnamon

• A teaspoon of coconut oil

How it’s done

After warming up the water, add the turmeric, lemon juice and coconut oil and mix them well. The turmeric will fall on the bottom of the glass so keep mixing it while you drink it and you will get all the benefits of the turmeric. Try to drink the water while it’s warm.

Adding the turmericthe water is cheap, it has sweet taste and works on every part of your body. Adding this powerful spice to your diet is one of the best things you can do for long lasting health.

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