5 Amazing Health Benefits of Matcha Tea
Matcha tea is the strongest powdered green tea on the planet. This is extremely popular tea used for thousands of years in the Far East, originated in Japan. This wonderful Japanese tea is made from powdered young leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis. To preserve its superior color and high antioxidant properties, this delicate powder is stored away from oxygen and light.
1 cup of this beverage per day will give you a ton of amazing health benefits.
Cancer prevention
Matcha tea contains a large amount of the most powerful type of antioxidants called epigallocatechingallate. EGCG are amazing antioxidants that have anti-cancer properties and are also known as fighters against free radicals in the human body. This tea contains over hundred times more natural warriors compared to any commercial tea on the market.
Increased metabolism
This amazing tea will help you to burn the excess pounds, because it accelerates the metabolism. A study discovered that people who drank matcha tea on a daily basis, lost weight 25% faster than people who didn’t consume it. There are no side effects from this ancient tea, so don’t worry about your blood pressure and heart rate.
Natural Boost
Like every green tea, matcha contains caffeine. This will provide you with energy for hours after you drank your cup of tea. Its boosting effect is not just from caffeine, but from the right combination of all other compounds in this beverage.
Anti-aging properties
The beverage powerful has anti-aging benefits that are related to the big amount of antioxidants in it. Also, it protects and fights against UV radiation and diseases of the skin.
Detox effect
Chlorophyll in this beverage detoxifies the body and flushes out all dangerous substances and heavy metals.
The taste of matcha tea is wonderful, so if you haven’t tried it yet, go for it! Average daily dose needs to be one or two cups of tea. One in the morning, and one in the afternoon. Cheers!
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